American History

Post Civil War America--Expansion, Industry, Corruption, & Reform

Unit Terms & Names

  1. Oregon Trail

  2. Gold Rush

  3. Homestead Act of 1862

  4. Settlers

  5. vigilante

  6. sod shanty

  7. cowboys

  8. outlaw

  9. George A. Custer

  10. Crazy Horse

  11. Sitting Bull

  12. Battle of the Little Big Horn

  13. George Crook

  14. Chief Joseph

  15. Geronimo

  16. Government Treaties

  17. Richard Pratt

  18. “Americanization”

  19. Wounded Knee Massacre

  20. graft

  21. political machine

  22. Boss Tweed

  23. Tammany Hall    

  24. Thomas Nast

  25. Rutheford B. Hayes

  26. James A. Garfield

  27. Chester A. Arthur

  28. Grover Cleveland

  29. J.P. Morgan

  30. J.D. Rockafellow

  31. Andrew Carnegie

  32. George Pullman

  33. Thomas Edison

  34. Alexander G. Bell

  35. reform

  36. Populist Party

  37. corporations

  38. monopolies

  39. trusts

  40. anti-trust reform

  41. Progressives

  42. muckrakers

  43. Ida Tarbell

  44. Theodore Roosevelt

  45. William H. Taft

  46. Woodrow Wilson

  47. Robert M. LaFollette