American History
Expansion, Industry, Corruption and Reform
Study Guide
Test will come from the following areas:
1. Terms & Names:
Oregon Trail |
Gold Rush |
Homestead Act of 1862 |
Settlers |
vigilante |
sod shanty |
George A. Custer |
Crazy Horse |
Sitting Bull |
Battle of the Little Big Horn |
Chief Joseph |
Geronimo |
Government Treaties |
Richard Pratt |
“Americanization” |
Wounded Knee Massacre |
2. The Indian Wars Period
3. The Reservation System & "Americanization"
4. Causes of Westward Migration
5. Life in the Mining Camps
6. Life of the Homesteaders
7. Life of the Cowboys
8. Law Enforcement in the American West
Industry and Immigration
1. Terms and Names:
Wildcatters J.P. Morgan J.D. Rockafellow Andrew Carnegie George Pullman
entrepreneurs capitalism Sherman Anti-Trust Act Thomas Edison
2. Rise of Big Business
a. What role did Oil and Steel industries play in the industrial boom of the mid-1800s?
b. What new inventions and technology sped up life and industry in America?
c. What key leaders emerged in American industry?
d. How did labor organize to meet the needs of American workers?
3. New Wave of Immigration
a. Where did the Post Civil War immigrants come from?
b. What obstacles did they face in America?
c. What was Ellis Island?
d. How was immigration linked to Corruption?
Corruption and Reform
1. Terms and Names:
"Jim Crow" laws, segregation, Plessy vs. Ferguson, Ulysses S. Grant, patronage, graft, political machines, Boss Tweed, Tammany Hall, Thomas Nast,
Rutheford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Grover Cleveland, reform, Populist Party, corporations, monopolies, trusts, Progressives, Theodore Roosevelt,
William H. Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Robert M. LaFollette
2. Corruption
a. What were political machines?
b. Who was Boss Tweed?
c. What role did patronage play in corruption?
d. What role did big business play in corruption?
e. Which Presidents were most affected by corruption?
f. How did segregation add to the corrupt governments in the South?
3. Reformers
a. What did Civil Service Reform do?
b. What was the Pendelton Act?
c. How did reformers bring down Boss Tweed?
d. What reforms were enacted by Presidents?
e. Who were the Populists and what did they believe in?
f. Who were the Progressives and what did they believe in?
g. Which Presidents were reformers?
4. Presidents—look at the notes from the film guides which deal with the different Presidents during this time period—Where did each of them rank in terms of corruption and reform?