Vocabulary--Chp. 6

  1. State of the Union Address-

  2. diplomacy-

  3. foreign policy-

  4. presidential succession-

  5. executive orders-

  6. executive privilege-

  7. alliances-

  8. executive agreement-

  9. diplomatic recognition-

  10. reprieve-

  11. pardon-

  12. commutation-

  13. nominate-

  14. electoral college-

  15. elector-

  16. caucus-

  17. conventions-

  18. primary elections-

  19. general election-

  20. party platform-

  21. planks-

  22. popular vote-

  23. plurality-

  24. secretaries-

  25. attorney general-

  26. bureaucracy-

  27. bureaucrats-

  28. public comment-

  29. independent agencies-

  30. regulatory commissions-

  31. government corporations-

  32. civil servants-

  33. spoils system-

  34. merit system-

  35. privatization-

Vocabulary--Chp. 7

  1. revenue

  2. tax

  3. exemption

  4. deduction

  5. excise tax

  6. estate tax

  7. gift tax

  8. customs duty

  9. standard of living

  10. free enterprise

  11. recession

  12. inflation

  13. fiscal policy

  14. monetary policy

  15. disposable income

  16. Federal Reserve

  17. reserve requirements

  18. discount rate

  19. open-market operations

  20. bond

  21. Keynesian Economics

  22. deficit

  23. monetarism

  24. national security

  25. trade embargo

  26. isolationist

  27. realism

  28. internationalist

  29. neoisolationist

  30. idealism

  31. presidential doctrine

  32. summit conference

  33. embassy

  34. consulate

  35. ambassador

  36. consul

  37. foreign service

  38. passport

  39. visa

  40. Monroe Doctrine

  41. Truman Doctrine

  42. containment

  43. detente

  44. glsnost

  45. perestroika

  46. foreign aid

  47. Marshall Plan

  48. US Agency for International Development

  49. defense alliance

  50. collective security

  51. NATO

  52. multilateral treaty

  53. bilateral alliance