Mr. Smith Goes to Washington--Film
60 Points
Name: __________________________________________
Introduction: You are going
to watch the classic film, “Mr. Smith goes to
.” In this 1939 Oscar-nominated movie, the actor Jimmy Stewart plays the
role of a new Senator in
. Watch and see what he learns
about how Congress operates.
Directions: Answer the following questions about
the film thoroughly. These questions ARE in order of the scenes
in the movie.
Why is “Mr. Smith” needed in
? Explain your answer. Why does the Governor choose him?
Explain your answer. Why does the party boss agree to his selection?
Explain your answer.
Mr. Smith is interviewed at a press conference. What is the bill
or “pet project” that he says he wants to pursue?
Explain your answer.
Ms. Saunders, Mr. Smith’s secretary, explains the process of
writing a bill. What does she say needs to be included when writing up a bill?
Explain your answer. What does the bill need to explain?
Explain your answer.
- According
to Ms. Saunders, what does Mr. Smith need to do once he has finished writing
up the bill? (What is the next step?)
Explain your answer.
- Why
does Mr. Smith’s bill create such a stir when he presents it?
Explain your answer.
What is graft? Explain your
- How
is Mr. Smith almost squashed by the party boss (Taylor)?
Explain your answer.
How does he fight back?
Explain your answer.