Mr. Smith Goes to Washington--Film Activity

60 Points                                                                                                                                                                          Name: __________________________________________

Introduction: You are going to watch the classic film, “Mr. Smith goes to Washington .” In this 1939 Oscar-nominated movie, the actor Jimmy Stewart plays the role of a new Senator in Washington .  Watch and see what he learns about how Congress operates.


Directions:  Answer the following questions about the film thoroughly.  These questions ARE in order of the scenes in the movie.


1.       Why is “Mr. Smith” needed in Washington ?  Explain your answer.  Why does the Governor choose him?  Explain your answer.  Why does the party boss agree to his selection?  Explain your answer. 





2.       Mr. Smith is interviewed at a press conference. What is the bill or “pet project” that he says he wants to pursue?  Explain your answer. 





3.      Ms. Saunders, Mr. Smith’s secretary, explains the process of writing a bill. What does she say needs to be included when writing up a bill?  Explain your answer.  What does the bill need to explain?  Explain your answer. 





  1. According to Ms. Saunders, what does Mr. Smith need to do once he has finished writing up the bill? (What is the next step?)  Explain your answer. 





  1. Why does Mr. Smith’s bill create such a stir when he presents it?  Explain your answer.  What is graft?  Explain your answer. 





  1. How is Mr. Smith almost squashed by the party boss (Taylor)?  Explain your answer.  How does he fight back?  Explain your answer.