American Government

Terms for Congress


  1. constituent-
  2. interest group-
  3. political action committee-
  4. oversight-
  5. census-
  6. reapportion-
  7. redistricting-
  8. gerrymandering-
  9. franking privilege-
  10. immunity-
  11. impeach-
  12. ex post facto law-
  13. bill of attainder-
  14. writ of habeas corpus-
  15. quorum-
  16. term limits-
  17. incumbent-
  18. majority party-
  19. minority party-
  20. Speaker-
  21. floor leader-
  22. party whip-
  23. president pro tempore-
  24. party caucus-
  25. censure-
  26. expulsion-
  27. bill-
  28. appropriations-
  29. standing committee-
  30. subcommittee-
  31. select committee-
  32. joint committee-
  33. conference committee-
  34. seniority systems-
  35. filibuster-
  36. cloture-
  37. roll call vote-
  38. pocket veto-
  39. line-item veto-
  40. interest groups-
  41. home districts-
  42. pork-barrel spending-