American Government
Terms for Congress
- constituent-
- interest group-
- political action committee-
- oversight-
- census-
- reapportion-
- redistricting-
- gerrymandering-
- franking privilege-
- immunity-
- impeach-
- ex post facto law-
- bill of attainder-
- writ of habeas corpus-
- quorum-
- term limits-
- incumbent-
- majority party-
- minority party-
- Speaker-
- floor leader-
- party whip-
- president pro tempore-
- party caucus-
- censure-
- expulsion-
- bill-
- appropriations-
- standing committee-
- subcommittee-
- select committee-
- joint committee-
- conference committee-
- seniority systems-
- filibuster-
- cloture-
- roll call vote-
- pocket veto-
- line-item veto-
- interest groups-
- home districts-
- pork-barrel spending-