
CHAPTER 10--Gender, Age, and Health


Section 1: Gender



  1. Analyze how gender roles affect the opportunities available to men and women in society.
  2. Explain how gender roles are affected by socialization.


Gender Roles and Opportunities

w  Education

w  Employment

w  Politics

Gender Roles and Socialization

w  In virtually all societies…

w  Children learn…


Section 2: Age and Disability



  1. Discuss the effect that the aging of the population is having on society.
  2. Explain how the aging of the population is affecting the life chances of older Americans.


The Aging World

w  Economic Effects –

w  Political Effects –

Aging and Life Changes of Older Americans

w  Some people claim …

w  Older Americans have …

w  Older Americans have …


Section 3: Health


  1. Describe the state of health care in the United States.
  2. Identify some of the special health-care concerns of various segments of American society.


Health Care in the US

w  Focuses on Three Main Issues:

1.       Cost of Health Care –

2.       Quality of Health Care –

3.       Access to Health Care –

w  Health Care Concerns Today

1.       Health Insurance

2.       Alternative Medicine

3.       Diabetes –

4.       Cancer